If you're like many home buyers, a house in proximity to good schools is at the very top of your list. Even buyers without children are often concerned about the quality of schools. They know property values often reflect the reputation of local schools; both public and private and that a home near good schools may be easier to sell later on. Here are some tips to help you find a home in a great school district.
Plan Ahead
It pays to look at schools early in the house-hunting process so you can narrow your focus to particular neighborhoods. Consider the following approaches and available resources for determining whether a school or school district is right for you and your family.
Define Your Idea of "Good"
The first step is taking an honest look at your child's educational needs. Are there learning disabilities to consider? What are your child's interests and natural abilities? It won't matter as much that a school tops in math and science if your child's educational focus is in language and fine arts. Identifying your child's individual needs will help determine the types of programs and educational approaches you're looking for in a school.
Get an Overview
You can tap the resources of several organizations to find out which schools are available in a particular area and how they rank compared with others in the nation.
Take a look at the programs that would most interest or benefit your children. Is the local public school strong in those areas? If not, there may be good private school alternatives in the vicinity.
Keep in mind that what you see on paper may not provide a complete picture of the school, its resources and the capabilities of its staff.
Identify the District
It's easy to find out what public school district a house is in—the information is usually included in the MLS listing and available through your Realtor. Note, however, that school boards frequently redraw districts. To help ensure a home is likely to remain in a particular district, you may want to find out how close it is to district lines. Contact the local board of education to obtain a district map.
Go to the Source
Also ask the local board for any information available about the school system, special programs, etc. Many boards will provide you with standardized test scores, often broken down for each school and subject area. Private schools often provide test score information and college placement statistics as well.
See for Yourself
Make plans to visit the schools you are interested in. Schedule appointments with the principal and some of the teachers in your child's grade. Inquire about school policies and procedures. Discuss your child's strengths and weaknesses, asking how the school would handle them.
Interview the Neighbors
Perhaps the best way to investigate a school is to talk with parents whose children attend. Visit neighbors in the area and ask them to be candid about what they like and dislike about local schools.
Let Us Get You Started
We would be happy to provide the phone numbers and website addresses of the schools and districts in certain areas. Be aware, however, that complying with fair housing practices, we may not be able to provide you with all the information you seek. Discussing school quality can be construed as "steering" buyers to or away from particular neighborhoods, which could be viewed as discrimination—even if unintentional.
That being said, we will do everything we can to support your efforts to locate the right home and the right school to meet your family's needs.